Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Secret : Power of Intentions

This is the new buzz around these days- the universal law of attraction...! 

First of all- let me clear it to you guys that i am not talking about the laws of attraction, repulsion, gravitation and any other -tions of physics which might be coming to your mind... this is the..or rather THE Universal Law of Attraction- as i have already mentioned. Well, this is something i say...

For people who are not aware of this so-called 'mantra' to get ur wishes true, here goes : According to this, whatever you wish for with all your heart and faith, you are bound to achieve it- be it money that you are so much dying to get, be it a big, posh bungalow or any other materialistic thing that you want. This is the ultimate key to success. All you are supposed to do is have faith, patience and think about it with all your heart, and the whole universe and all of its elements conspire to make you get that thing. Now, this according to me is crap. 

First of all, being materialistic is the biggest mistake anyone can make. Cz afterall, nothing is permanent in this universe. i am not saying that i dont want anything. even i have dreams and expectations..but that is what a human being is supposed to have..isnnit...? but then, if all this is so simple, then there would be no poverty in this world. there would be no rich, no poor. there would not be any desires left unfulfilled of any person- meaning: every living person on this sweet, little earth would be happy. everyone would concentrate their energies in visualising the things they want and would keep hoping and finally keep getting all their needs, luxuries, wishes fulfilled. what a world it would have been...!!

So, coming back to the reality, none of this can actually happen. Its all your luck, destiny and a bit of your effort in whatever you get. I had picked up Rhonda Byrne's - The Secret with curiosity since i had heard a lot about it. So wanting to check out what it was about, i started reading. Initially, it inspired me a lot. (that is my problem- i get inspired by every other book i come across..). But as i went further in the book, it all seemed a total waste that i was even devoting my time to it..No offence Ms. Byrne, but that is how it was for me- with the result that i have left it unfinished( which i normally try not doing with any book). So, i discussed this with my friend, and she took advantage of my pessimistic attitude in telling me that since it was ME reading that book, so this was bound to happen. ;) ..

Anyways people , please check out this book if you haven't till now and please try and put some sense in me.... ;)

P.S.: With exams round the corner, such crap was bound to happen. So, guys forgive me for dishing out such a waste of words...!..this was straight from my usually dormant brain. :D

Monday, February 1, 2010

The cacophony of nature’s symphony....

Man is one being who has been the witness of nature and its glory(loyally and faithfully) since the past millions of years - whether in the form of an ape or a homo sapien. The nature with its sweet kiss in the form of pleasant breezes, its sunshine, its tears in the form of abundant rainfall, its spring …..had been ridiculously faithful to mankind-only to be deceived in the end and left to misery. But it has fought back…took revenge , in all forms known as of today, so as to say the tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, erratic rainfall patterns n so on….

Beethoven – the master, or rather the Creator, of music is known for his symphonies. If we could try to compare nature with it, it was also pure, clean, sacred just like beethoven’s symphonies. But alas..! stands today and can easily see what a cacophony man has made out of the nature’s symphony…!

Among the burning issues in the current hour, the catastrophic climatic conditions -Global Warming being one of them -is one major concern for every living being, new born to the senile. Those people who have grown old and still lived on to tell the tales of their times, their lifestyles, one can easily see the culpable exploitation of nature’s reserves-be it energy resources, water, fresh air….Man has invaded the body of nature viciously. And now, when stakes are so very high, he seems to have come out of the stupor to live the nightmare which could have been foreseen.

World’s biggies had come together to do something for this at the Copenhagen summit 2009. But they made a mockery of themselves for the whole world to see. For one thing, the summit got extended by 2 days as no decision was able to be reached in the proposed time. And after taking 2 more days, what with the prime powers of 192 nations coming together, the summit was declared to be a failure…!!, it being blamed on the developing countries. Well, that surely shows the care and concern for everyone for our own survival, let alone our future generations. It would be better if they would show some sense by stopping the blamegame and try to work things out in the coming summits to be held this year. As it is, we are running short on time, resources, alternative resources and what not…so it’s the time to take action…

Grass is green and Sky is blue-there’s nothing wrong in the sentence; after all it is a universal fact-but only that it is no more relevant. Now-a-days, one can see all shades (figuratively of course…) which are trying so desperately to let us know the danger lurking just around the corner…

So, before the cacophony starts reaching the range of supersonic frequency, we need to shed all differences and inhibhitions , unite and save our home, ourselves, our identity…
